Posiblemente, los patos arlequín sean los más llamativos de entre las muchas especies de aves acuáticas de Glacier Bay. Aquí vemos a tres machos que se alejan en fila de las hembras parduzcas a las que acompañaban. Los arlequines se encuentran a menudo a lo largo de playas rocosas o cerca de las desembocaduras de agua dulce, donde se alimentan de la biota que arrastra la corriente.
Harlequin Ducks are arguably the most striking of the many species of waterfowl that are found in Glacier Bay. These are three males that happened to line up away from the more drab females that they were accompanying. Harlequins are often found along rocky beaches or near where freshwater flows into the sea where they feed on the biota carried by the stream. Photographer: Sean Neilson