to Glacier Bay Explorer
The Glacier Bay Explorer flash drive contains over 440 high
resolution photos and captions of Glacier Bay National Park
and Preserve and Southeast Alaska taken by 17 local explorers
and photographers. This internet preview version contains
low resolution, watermarked copies of 200 photos from the
Captions bring these photos to life! We feel incredibly lucky
to live and play in this amazing wilderness. Our captions
try to share our experiences with you. Each of us has their
own writing and photographic style – in some ways it is as
if you are exploring Glacier Bay with 17 different personal
guides. The internet version of these photos and captions
can be viewed from the
Photo Galleries.
Purchase of the flash drive licenses you to use these photos
for personal and educational uses but not for profit. The
flashdrive photos are licensed under the Creative
Commons license agreement. For commercial use of these
photos please contact us via this email : Contact
The Glacier Bay Explorers and Photographers |
Sean Neilson
Nathan Borson
Tom Bergman
Amanda McCutcheon
Greg Streveler |
Craig Murdoch
Richard Becker
Denny Capps
Mark Jefferson |
Nat Drumheller
Cody Edwards
Jim Mackovjak
Karen Colligan-Taylor
Fay Schaler |
photo captions were reviewed by Greg Streveler, author of
“The Natural History of Gustavus” and Glacier Bay explorer
extraordinaire for the last 40 years.
The High Resolution jpgs are arranged in a loose geographic
loop starting at the mouth of Glacier Bay,
heading north up the bay, across to the Alsek River drainage,
down-river to the Gulf of Alaska, south along the outer coast
of the park and back around through Cross Sound to the mouth
of Glacier Bay, with occasional jumps into the mountains.
Glacier Bay Explorer is brought to you by Bill Eichenlaub
and Sean Neilson - a production of Cross Sound Innovations
and Sean Neilson Media, Gustavus Alaska, 2010. Enjoy!
this link to preview the photos!
this link for more information about other exciting products
Purchase details:
Flashdrive are US $32 each. Send us a check to the address
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