Glacier Bay Explorer


Artist: Sean Neilson
Artist: Sean Neilson
As far as I know, there has never been a case of a Steller sea lion attacking a kayaker, but that fact did not instill any confidence in me when this group of approximately 200 animals charged our kayaks. We had seen this group earlier about a mile off in the distance, splashing and cavorting, as we paddled in the East Arm of the bay. Within a matter of minutes, they had formed a wall of fur, flesh and teeth less than one kayak length from our tiny, plastic bows. They roared with an intensity that conveyed to me nothing positive. While I avoid anthropomorphization, it was hard not to infer that they were anything but pleased with our presence. They were so close that a putrid stench of partially digested fish was thrust at us, adding additional insult. They made their point for a few gripping minutes, and then departed as quickly as they had arrived.

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