Estando a bordo del barco turístico, vimos un oso pardo con sus cachorros acercándose a un arroyo que parecía haber sido reclamado por una manada de lobos. Ver a los osos insistiendo, mientras los lobos los rodeaban, fue una escena intensa. Los lobos avanzaban sobre los osos y luego se retiraban, como en una partida bien jugada de ajedrez. Eventualmente, los osos se adentraron en el bosque y los lobos obtuvieron su victoria.
While aboard the day tour boat, we happened to see a brown bear with her cubs as they approached a stream which appeared to have been claimed by a group of wolves. Watching the bears hold their ground while the wolves circled them was a tense sight. The wolves advanced on the bears and retreated, like a well-played game of chess. Eventually the bears chose to retreat into the forest and the wolves had their victory. Photographer: Tom Bergman